Friday, March 20, 2020

Hello New Brighton!

Click out the link below to see a message from ME :D

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Net Wall Games

Over the past 3 weeks students have been learning the strategy and tactics of Net Wall Games. This includes placing an object in the opponents space away from them so it is difficult for them to return the object. Examples of Net Wall games are tennis, volleyball, badminton and four square. In class we played games such as spot ball, air hockey and the big hit was 9 square in the air! We also had discussions around specific tactics such has hand eye coordination and tracking the object with your eyes.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Target Games

Over the past two weeks we have been working on understanding Target games. Now the definition of a target game is a game where you score points by striking or throwing an object and landing it in or closer to a target.
Examples of these sports include:

  • golf
  • curling
  • billards
  • bocce
  • bowling
  • archery
In PE class we played Bowling Bocce and Gotta Catch'em all.

In Bowling Bocce students were in teams of two and slid their bean bag towards a bowling pin. The objective of the game was to get your teams bean bag as close as possible to bowling pin without knocking it over.

Gotta catch'em all is a Pokémon inspired game that Miss Nanavaty made up. In the volleyball court where several pokémon (polyspots) all laid out and the trainers (students) needed to throw the pokéballs (beanbags) and try to land them on the pokémon in order to catch them.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Nanatastics and Circus

From January 7-17 the students worked on their Nanatastics and Circus skills. These skills were to help them develop their hand eye coordination, challenge themselves and try something new! For the Nanatastics portion students were working on their forward rolls and cartwheels. Students had a great time on the mats practicing and their improvement was HUGE! For the circus station students tried a variety of activities that included, juggling a variety of implements, hula hooping, hacky sack, circus yo-yos, flower sticks, and plate balancing. Each station was equipped with an ipad where a playlist was showing different skills they could try out. Here is the link to the youtube playlist so you can get an idea of what the students were practicing!

Hello New Brighton!

Click out the link below to see a message from ME :D You can email me at